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Nyajuok Tongyik Doluony


Retired Army Veteran, Author, Financial Advisor, Entrepreneur, Nurse, Women's Rights Advocate, Mom and Inspirational Speaker.

Did you know that almost 91% of South Sudanese women and girls in South Sudan are illiterate?


In order to change a nation, we must educate our girls! Help us make positive change by donating to the I Am NyaTongyik foundation which provides scholarships for South Sudanese youth in Africa and the diaspora.  Please click the donation button below.

Nyajuok Tongyik is a mother of three phenomenal children, Marnaa, Muoch, Mobassi. She is also a retired Army Nurse, author, community organizer, mentor, non-profit leader, successful entrepreneur, an advocate for women’s rights, girl child education, family planning, Gender-Based Violence (GBV), and preventable maternal deaths. 

She is the Founder of the I Am NyaTongyik foundation that provides mental health and counseling services, medical and legal aid, and educational resources to Members of the South Sudanese Community world-wide through her ROSS Girls initiative. In addition, the foundation provides scholarships to South Sudanese youth in Africa and the diaspora. 


The Author's book, "I Am My Mother's Wildest Dream," a story of personal resilience, has made waves in South Sudanese communities all over the world. She has recently return from a six-country book tour across East Africa, sharing her experiences of life in Dimma Refugees Camp, her resettlement to the U.S., her child marriage, domestic and family abuse, her mental health crisis, and triumph after tragedy.  

Her story has resonated with law and policy makers in South Sudan, which resulted in the Governors of Central Equatoria and the Lake States, enacting laws against child marriages, effective immediately and in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)-South Sudan.


In addition, Nyajuok's debt-free journey has been featured on media outlets such as: Good Morning America,, The Epoch Times, Medium Magazine, VOA, and in many local newspapers, online journals and radio stations.


Blog Life


Inspiration comes to me wherever I go.  It could be on a walk, in the shower, on vacation, or when sitting at home with my children. I'd like to share some of my insights and inner thoughts about this thing called "my life". I only speak for me, but I hope that something I write inspires and motivates you to create the life you deserve to live. 

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"From abundance, I take abundance, still abundance remains." ~Jack Ducey


As a Nuer man and father of daughters, this book had grounded me, challenged me, and made me question my Nuer fatherly believes and values. Why do we fathers have concerns about the dowries when our daughters get married instead of being more concerned about what life would be like for them at the hands of another man? "I Am my Mother's wildest Dream" is a nail-biter, provocative and intriguing. It's a must-read book for South Sudanese Fathers in particular. 

Isaac Thok Moses

South Sudan

I started reading your book yesterday and could not stop thinking about it. Besides my mother, I thought I was the strongest woman I know, but my hat goes to you. I had to put it down after chapter 7 because my heart could not take it anymore. You are a powerful and resilient woman. I admire your spirit of not allowing the circumstances you faced keep you down but rose above them and excelled. This book needs to be New York best seller, period

Apiew Ochan


Nyajuok, I must tell you, you are among those few shaping and polishing my intellectual growth. "I Am my Mother's Wildest Dream" was my first non-education read book 10 months ago. Since then, I have read 21 books thoroughly. That burning desire was installed in me by your book, your words. You may not know what that means for me to have adopted a culture of reading, but I must tell you, it feels AWESOME!

Mahoth Rong

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on financial literacy, getting out of debt and changing your beliefs to live the life you want! 

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New Book Launches May 1, 2021!
Go to Amazon to get your copy!

Let’s Engage

Phone Number: 210-870-4835    /     Email: Iamnyatongyik@gmail

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